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Lady Gaga’s Emotional Battle Against Chronic Pain

Lady Gaga may have dominated the internet with headlines of her back-to-back win at prestigious award ceremonies for “A Star is Born” movie as well as its iconic love song “Shallow”, but the famous American singer revealed she’s struggling to live with chronic pain.

The Struggle

In an exclusive interview, Lady Gaga breaks her silence as she shared her experience in battling with pain and fibromyalgia. According to her, she has been chasing this pain for the past seven years. She even remembered the one time she had to sit in a paper gown while she underwent a painful needle therapy to help ease her pain so that she could continue performing for her fans.

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Lady Gaga decided to share her story to let other chronic pain patients know they’re not alone in this battle.

Despite the chronic pain she is suffering from, which can often force her to take a hiatus from the music scene, Lady Gaga says she will continue to pursue her love for music and raising awareness about chronic pain.

The Statistics

According to statistics, around 100 million Americans have fibromyalgia. This condition causes extreme pain in all parts of your body, unlike acute pain where it only concentrates into one area.

Aside from that, the medical experts say the only way to numb the chronic pain is by taking medications and treatments which can last for months or years. The health experts also warn those patients who suffer from anxiety or depression may experience worse pain due to added stress and pressure.

Her Dark Past

Aside from dealing with physical pain, Lady Gaga also shares the mental and emotional struggle she’d endured. According to her, she lives through the horrific memory of an assault she suffered while she was just a teen. Since the attack, she has constantly struggled to live with PTSD.

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Lady Gaga was also open when it comes to sharing about the darker, tragic events she’d encountered in the past to advocate for women’s rights as well as her other causes.

Lady Gaga knew how difficult it is to overcome nightmares that can haunt you for the rest of your life. However, she wants to remind people they’re never alone in this battle. She encourages her fans to join a support group and get professional help to help them overcome their physical and emotional baggage.

The Reminder

Despite all the hardships Lady Gaga had endured, she revealed she was still thankful for it. She realizes her own experiences serve as her instruments to create beautiful songs with meaningful lyrics. Through her music and words, she hopes to remind everyone that no matter how isolated and hopeless they feel, there are still people out there who love and care for them.

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Lady Gaga hopes for everyone to draw inspiration and motivation from her film to keep going and be stronger in facing the challenges we’ll encounter in life.

For her loyal fans who want to learn more about Lady Gaga’s life and how she overcomes all the battles she’d endured, you can check out her documentary film. The film narrated her life story as well as the struggles she encountered before reaching the peak of her glory.

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