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Home Safety: Keeping Bugs and Spiders Away From Your Home

Spiders may look a bit intimidating with their eight legs and beady eyes, but did you know that most of them are harmless and even helpful in keeping pests away? However, having them as housemates is not everyone’s cup of tea. So, if you’re on a mission to keep spiders out of your house, we’ve got you covered with some spider-savvy advice from the experts.

Seal the Deal: Blocking Spider Entry Points

Tiny as they are, spiders can sneak into your home through cracks and crevices. Combat this by sealing common entry points with a weather-flexible caulk or sealant. Check your windows, doors, roof eaves, foundation cracks, and ventilation openings. Here’s a quick rundown:

Sealing common entry points with a weather-flexible caulk or sealant

Pixabay | StockSnap | Sealing common entry points with a weather-flexible caulk or sealant.

  • Use weather-flexible caulk to seal cracks and openings.
  • Replace damaged door strips and sweeps.
  • Place caps on the fireplace chimney and exhaust pipe openings.

Declutter for Spider-Free Living

Spiders love dark, undisturbed spaces, so turn your home into a spider-free zone by keeping it clean and clutter-free. Regular vacuuming, inside and out, will do wonders. Don’t forget those nooks and crannies—spiders love to hide there. Dusting tools with telescoping handles are excellent for web removal. Remember, clutter is an open invitation, so keep things neat and tidy.

Say Goodbye to Other Bugs

The key to deterring spiders is to minimize insect activity around your home. By pest-proofing your space, you’re essentially cutting off their food supply. Kick out the other bugs, and the spiders will follow suit.

Embrace Natural Repellents

Consider using natural repellents like mint, lavender, and lemongrass

Pixabay | Narya | Consider using natural repellents like mint, lavender, and lemongrass.

If you prefer chemical-free solutions, consider using natural repellents like mint, lavender, and lemongrass. Incorporate these plants into your garden or flower beds to reduce overall pest pressure. Minty-fresh and spider-free—sounds like a win-win!

Extend Your Spider Battle Outdoors

Don’t forget to address the exterior of your home—seal or screen doors, windows, and gaps around the structure. Adjust outdoor lighting to make your home less attractive to spiders. Opt for yellow hue bulbs near entrances to further discourage them. Keep the premises clutter-free, mow your grass regularly, and inspect your house monthly for new spider webbing.

When All Else Fails: Call in the Pros

If spiders have taken over, and DIY measures aren’t cutting it, it’s time to call in the experts. Capture a spider in a plastic bag or jar and take a clear photo for identification. This will help professionals tailor a comprehensive plan to reclaim your space. They might perform an outside perimeter treatment, remove webbing and egg sacs, and offer exclusion services.

most spiders are harmless, two pose a threat: the brown recluse and the black widow

Pexels | Bruno Guerra | Erik Karits| Two spiders pose a threat: the brown recluse and the black widow.

Know Your Spiders: The Good, the Bad, and the Dangerous

While most spiders are harmless, two pose a threat: the brown recluse and the black widow. Regularly inspect outdoor areas like firewood piles, siding, electrical boxes, and under decks to keep these dangerous spiders at bay.

Keeping spiders out of your house is a breeze with these simple and effective tips. So, go ahead, create a spider-free haven, and enjoy a pest-free living space!

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