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Why Adults With ADHD Are 3x More Likely to Develop Dementia

We have all heard of ADHD, haven’t we? Hyper kids, distractions galore, restless minds – these are images we often associate with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. But here is a revelation: ADHD does not retire. It stays on, even into the sunset years of life.

Intriguingly, there is emerging evidence linking ADHD in senior citizens to a greater chance of dementia. Let’s unravel this overlooked connection.

ADHD & Its Symptoms

Essentially, ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, more than just the occasional forgetfulness or distraction.

Marcus / Pexels / Impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity are the commonest symptoms of ADHD.

Here is a quick rundown:


For adults, it is not always about the hyperactivity. It can manifest as chronic lateness, poor organization, difficulty concentrating, or being forgetful. Sound like someone you know?

Maybe, maybe not. But it is important to recognize that these are not just ‘bad habits.’


Adult ADHD is often managed through a combination of behavioral therapies, counseling, and medications. So, it is about developing coping strategies and, if necessary, using medications to help with concentration and impulse control.

Dementia & Symptoms

New studies find that Dementia is not just about forgetting someone’s name or misplacing things. But it is also about significant cognitive decline that impacts daily living. Let’s dive in:


While memory loss is the hallmark, dementia also encompasses language, problem-solving, and other cognitive skills challenges.

Kindel / Pexels / Indecisiveness and memory loss are the major Dementia symptoms.

Adults who struggle with Dementia might forget entire conversations, get lost in familiar places, or struggle with routine tasks.

However, there is no one-size-fits-all cure for Dementia but treatments focus on slowing its progress and managing symptoms. Thus, this can include medications, cognitive therapies, and creating a supportive environment for the individual.

The Linkage of ADHD and Dementia in Older Adults

New research suggests a correlation between ADHD in seniors and an elevated risk of dementia. Why? The specifics are still under the microscope. However, some theories hint at shared neural mechanisms or even genetic markers that become significant over a person’s lifespan.

Tips For Overcoming ADHD & Avoiding Dementia

It is essential to remember that having ADHD does not stamp an inevitable expiration date on your cognitive health. But knowledge is power, right?

So, for our elderly loved ones with ADHD, or even for us as we age, here are some strategies:

Regular Screenings

Prevention is better than cure. Regular cognitive assessments can help detect early signs of any cognitive decline.

Mind and Body Wellness

Activities like tai chi, yoga, and even brisk walks have proven benefits for the mind and the body. And they are fun too!

Marcus / Pexels / By engaging in tiny little daily physical activities, older adults can overcome ADHD and lower the risks of Dementia.

Thus, by engaging in brief exercises and mindful sessions, adults can live a dementia-free life.

Daily Brain Boosters

Mental exercises are not just for kids. So, crossword puzzles, memory games, or even learning a new language can keep the brain in tip-top shape.

Nutrition is Key

Think green leafy veggies, berries, nuts, and fish. A diet rich in essential nutrients can fend off cognitive decline.

Stay Connected

Engaging with loved ones or participating in community activities can be both a mood booster and a cognitive enhancer.

However, excessive alcohol and smoking are no friends of cognitive health. It is always a good time to reduce or quit.

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