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Major Signs that You Are Way Below your Daily Recommended Protein Consumption

Ahh proteins, every bodybuilder’s dream. As a matter of fact, it’s no surprise that for years, nutritionists have labeled proteins as the ‘building blocks of life.’ When closely examined, this macronutrient has been found to play a major role in the development of different cell components. Moreover, they come packed with vital amino acids that ensure the body is up and running. Want to have a great day? Then ensure your plate contains some proteins!

Unfortunately, for quite a number of people, they do not receive as many proteins as is recommended in the diet. Which is quite surprising considering the fact that cases of extreme protein deficiency are rarely documented in the United States.

Tatjana Baibakova/Shutterstock
Proteins are essential in one’s diet, especially if they are still young and growing. One of the major sources of protein in our diets are from animal-based foods such as dairy and meat

Instances where protein deficiency can occur

In fact, the only people found to suffer from an extreme lack of proteins are anorexic individuals, malnourished patients, cancer patients, or persons who suffer from an undiagnosed case of Crohn’s disease.

That being said, vegans also find themselves falling slightly in this category. So whether you’re a full-on vegan, or a vegan with at least one protein cheat day, you just might be consuming slightly below your recommended protein intake.

So this might sound a little confusing, considering that for years you’ve known that some plants are classified as rich in proteins, right?

As a matter of fact, the answer is yes and no.

Though some plants are considered protein-based, they are usually incomplete proteins. That is, they could be missing one of the nine recommended amino acids that are normally found in animal-based foods such as eggs, seafood, and meat.

Hence, the only complete plant proteins out there are quinoa and soy, which tend to be on the steeper end of things.

Elena Shashkina/Shutterstock
Quinoa is considered one of the only complete protein substances around. It has a myriad of health benefits, and has gained a lot of popularity of late as a health-conscious food in the West

That being said, if you’d like to know whether or not you’re running a little low on protein fuel, here are some subtle factors that give it away.

  1. You’re highly likely to get fractures

Did you know that in order to maintain healthy bones, you not only need to have a healthy dose of calcium, but proteins as well? That was the conclusion that was derived from a 2018 research study conducted by the leading osteoporosis organizations from across the globe. They discovered that consuming a healthy amount of proteins in your diet was vital in the protection and strengthening of the bones.

So it goes without saying that if your skeletal muscle tissue easily damages after one or two basketball games, then maybe the problem might not be lack of calcium, but lack of protein.

  1. Brittle-looking nails and hair

As a body-building macronutrient, protein also plays a big role in the health of your nails and hair. A major indicator that you’re missing essential proteins is having brittle hair and overly soft nails. In cases whereby the protein deficiency is severe, one’s hair can completely lose its luster, and even begin to fall off!

  1. Sudden weight loss, but not the good kind

You might be excited that the scale is showing that you’ve lost a couple of pounds, but is it fat or muscle? That’s the big question. In fact, if you are losing weight considerably fast on a low-protein diet, then it just might be that your body is dipping into your muscle reserves for fuel. This is extremely dangerous in the long run and could adversely affect your physiology.

  1. Feeling weak all the time

As the protein deficiency continues overtime, a major indicator will be gradual weakness. That’s because as muscle mass reduces, the body is unable to perform with the same intensity and pinnace that was once the case prior to the protein deficiency.

  1. It seems like it’s flu season every month

Always having a cold? Then it means your immune system has been compromised. As a major building component for antibodies, proteins help the immune system eliminate foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria. So the fewer proteins you consume, the weaker your immune system gets.

Which goes to show that proteins are undoubtedly one of the most important macronutrients for your body today. So if you exhibit one or more of the aforementioned symptoms at once, then perhaps it is high-time you supplemented your diet with more proteins.

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