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How To Disconnect From Digital World And Reconnect With Life Again?

As the age of digital information system, our way of life has changed drastically. Gone are the days where we used to play outside when we were young and mingle with our friends on social occasions. Now, it seems our lives, even the young ones, are glued to screens all the time. It’s quite heartbreaking to know that we now prefer to broadcast our lives online (with a selfie,  #travelgoals, or #relationshipgoals) and connect with our distant friends online rather than connecting with our real friends in front of us.

Aside from that, we seem to procrastinate more since we can’t track our time once we go browsing Facebook and other social media pages, decreasing our productivity on either our work or personal project. How can we disconnect or at least manage our digital life? In this post, we will tell you how to disconnect from the online world and improve your well-being as well as how to reconnect with nature and life again.

Eliminate Any Gadgets an Hour Before  You Sleep and After You Wake Up

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock
Turn off your Gadgets an Hour Before Going to Sleep

Too much browsing online not only makes you unproductive with your work, the blue lights it emitted destroys your sleeping pattern.  It decreases your melatonin production causing you to stay wide awake and alert in the middle of the night instead of your body slowly relaxing as it prepares you for your much-needed sleep and beauty rest. In order to avoid this, we recommend that you set a timer or alarm clock an hour before your scheduled sleep to remind you to disconnect it. As your body and mind relax, it will eventually lull you to sleep. Likewise, the moment you wake up, try to hold back from grabbing your phone and looking up at the notifications from the night before. Remember that these notifications will never fade, so you need not check them right away.

Instead, use this hour to think about your agenda for the day. What are your goals this day? Do you have some work or projects you have to finish today? Set your mind in accomplishing your to-do’s or goals. In this way, you already know what your agenda for today, enabling you to stay focus on your work rather than entertaining unnecessary posts or messages that will steal your productivity.

Turn off all Your Live Notifications

McLittle Stock/Shutterstock
Turn off Notifications or Active Do Not Disturb Feature While Working

Now that you’re able to set your mind for the goals and tasks you need to accomplish for the day, it’s also crucial that you keep the momentum. This means that you also need to eliminate the distractions you have while working. Why? Because distractions can disrupt the pace you’ve set in for a productive work. We encourage you to turn off all your live notifications. Put your phone or social media accounts into silent mode so that you won’t get disturbed each time a notification pops up. This way, you’ll be able to focus on your work, or if you’re out with your friends, you can give your undivided attention to them as you catch up with each other.

Give Yourself a Break to Stay Connected

You can Reconnect Online During Lunch or Coffee Break

Of course, just because we want to eliminate your distraction it doesn’t mean that we’ll also deprive you of connecting online too. A healthy and balanced life consists of having a healthy and harmonious relationship with your online and offline. After you finished your designated work or when you’re done having a night out with your friends, that’s the time you can give yourself some leeway or reward. Reward yourself by catching up and browsing online for about 30 minutes to 1 hour for not going online for 4 hours. Or if not, you can open your social media accounts during your lunch break to catch up. This way, you’re still able to connect and catch up online without jeopardizing the productivity and quality of your work.    

Go Out Trekking or Camping or Traveling

Reconnecting with Nature Can Help You Meditate and Reassess Your Life Once Again

We all need to unwind not only to release the stress we’ve been experiencing in our work but also to reconnect with our life and nature. Get away from the stress of the bustling city by retreating. You can go camping or trekking if you love to be in the woods or mountain. Just by inhaling the fresh air from the woods and the green, the luscious scenery will already refresh your mind and soul. Aside from that, the silence of the mountains will help you meditate and reassess your life and goals. If you prefer the sea, you can travel where white beaches and neap huts exist.

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