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Art Therapy- The Mental Health Gem You Didn’t Know About

With the current state of lockdown that most of the world is going through, mental health is likely to deteriorate quickly. Human beings are social creatures, and hence, their well-being tends to get compromised in situations of extreme isolation. Creativity is a magnificent way of tackling your mental health issues and of supporting your mental health during these rare circumstances.

Unsplash | Isolation is taking its toll of many people globally

Surprisingly, such a useful and healing strategy is so underrated, especially when it comes to battling serious issues related to mental health. If you’re constantly anxious because of the tedious direction that news channels are taking these days, then Art therapy could be exactly the outlet you need right now.

What is Art Therapy?

There are multitudes of misinterpretations about Art therapy, says Deborah Farber. An authority on the topic, she is the chair of the MPS Art Therapy Department of the School of Visual Arts located in New York City and also a part of the Art Therapy Practice warning board. Individuals believe that art is just for kids, that Art treatment is equivalent to taking an art class in school, or that it’s not a “real” form of treatment.

Unsplash | Art therapy is widely compared to art classes for children

In actuality, Art therapy is fundamentally the same as therapy through talking. Essentially, it provides a space to investigate mental and emotional difficulties with an advisor. However, the difference lies in the innovative methods undertaken, for example, drawing, painting, making collages, shading, or chiseling.

Numerous individuals think that Art treatment just isn’t “for them”, and to back up their beliefs, they tend to gather an assortment of reasons, an absence of creative expertise usually being among the top concerns. Be that as it may, advisors will rush to tell you that you needn’t stress over that. Numerous Art treatment activities should be possible with essential supplies (or even a PC), and they don’t require any special abilities. You don’t need to be a craftsman, only simply open to enjoying new experiences.

Searching out an Art specialist who can direct you in the long run, is the most ideal approach while aiming to receive the rewards of the Art treatment. There are also many approaches on how you can take maximum advantage of the Art treatment in your own life, much like the manner in which you can extract key lessons from talk treatments after you leave your advisor’s office.

Unsplash | In many ways, Art therapy is similar to a regular counseling session

Regardless of whether you’re not intrigued by Art treatment, suffice to know that regular practices, despite everything, can possibly enable you to unwind, express your feelings, and learn new things about yourself.

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