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Taking Care of Your Sick Parents? These Three Things Can Prepare You For Your Career Comeback

As your parents grow old, they become more prone to illnesses. And as their child, you are indebted to them for your life and should repay by taking good care of them. Most children will do this in a heartbeat. However, they also have to consider how they will go about their careers. Some may be able to continue with their work while also caring for their sick parent, but some may have to quit their job to focus on what matters most.

Unfortunately, going back to the game after a long hiatus is not that easy. With stiff competition and ever-changing job requirements, you have to find ways in order to keep yourself from rusting while jobless. Here are three steps you can do while you’re out of work and caring for your loved ones.

Ivan Kruk/Shutterstock
Taking care of your sick parents is a priority, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t do a little work during downtimes

Keep Your Skills and Knowledge Relevant

For some Human Resources professionals, every year that passes that you don’t have a job makes you lose around 10% of your relevance and skills.

If you absolutely have to quit your job to take care of your loved ones, it’s recommended to take online classes or even accept freelance projects to keep your skills oiled up. In most cases, those who don’t find ways to refresh their skills end up having to start all over again in their careers due to their outdated competencies.

Olha Yefimova/Shutterstock
Taking online classes can be a way to refresh your skills.

Build and Maintain Your Social Network

While you have a lot of downtimes, don’t forget to catch up with your friends, colleagues, and professional network. Try to ask what keeps them busy and offer your help if they need it.

While you’re at it, widen your network and introduce yourself to new people and mutual connections. Also, offer them free support and advice. Let them know that you care for them and show them kindness. Socialization could also help you feel better and improve your mental health. You never know, this might turn out useful for tip number 3.

Meeting up with your social circles could also help you cope psychologically.

Let Everyone Know When You’re Ready to Come Back

Share your story to the world—or maybe just your network. Tell them that although this has been tough for your personal life and career, you learned and grew from that experience. Turn a new leaf and commit yourself to become a better professional on your way to success. One or two may just refer you to a job opportunity.

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