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Quick Tips To Overcome Writer’s Block

The modern world has offered more outlets for all the writers and the readers. What used to be a paper-printed magazine, book, and newspaper are now widely digital too. Professional writers and journalists were the only ones who were accepted to write stories but now, anyone can.

Just Life/Shutterstock
We can find inspiration from our friend’s live and the new people we meet

The post-modern era gave us the bloggers and vloggers. These are the two professions were birthed by technology and pop culture. Some are paid a generous amount for all the writings they do, and they even gain social followers in return. These lifestyle bloggers are now found everywhere, bringing content to the life of the internet.

Writing may sound easy but it really is not. Well, it depends of course on the topic that is going to be written. But what if there’s no topic that comes to mind? Well, that is a classic writer’s block.

What is writer’s block?

Writer’s block is a phenomenon where a writer is unable to produce a new work. This can be due to the loss of inspiration or some creative juices.

Writer’s block exists the moment writing did, but no one knows what to call it. The term writer’s block only came in the literature world in the late 1940’s. It was introduced by a Psychiatrist, Edmund Bergler.

Having a writer’s block is totally normal, and it should not be mistaken for a mental illness. Almost anyone who writes can experience this. So how can we overcome this, especially if we’re meeting a deadline? Here are some quick ways to bypass it.

Create the perfect ambiance

Writing in a friendly setting can do a lot of difference in writing. Our mind wanders too often than what we want it to be, that is why we have to disconnect from possible distractions. We’ve seen that in movies many times where a writer has its own place that even relatives are not allowed to invade.

Look for clarity

Authors write and blog to entertain other people, and also to offer some quality information. But writing can sometimes take a toll on the writer. That is why it’s greatly helpful that instead of getting frustrated, to look for inspiration instead. Going out and strolling the city or the beach can give us clarity. It takes out our frustration and will help our brain function more. Not to mention, meeting new people may lead to a new muse or character in the book that we’re about to write.

Inspiration is the fuel

Markus Wissmann/Shutterstock
The New York Bestseller author, Dan Brown says he looks inspiration in the internet but uses print books to verify informations

Never write something if the inspiration never kicks in. Forcing our brain to produce a new piece of work can only lead to mediocre write-ups. Inspiration enables our brain to write non-stop. It’s a kind of a writer’s high where stories and plots will just keep on flowing. Anyone can overcome writer’s block with the right amount of inspiration.

Write anything

One weapon for a writer’s block is to write. Take 15-minute of every day, preferably early in the morning and just write everything. It can be anything that comes to mind. A love letter for a loved one, a poem, a recipe, basically anything. It doesn’t have to make sense so there’s no pressure on making it the best. Writing random things can serve as a brain exercise so when the inspiration comes, the brain will be ready. These 15-minute writings can also become a source of inspiration.

The Glass-Water Technique

Writing at before sleeping and after waking up is the best time since it’s the time where our brains are clear

This technique may sound silly but writers actually report it as an effective tool. This will require a glass filled with water. Before hitting the bed, we have to whisper our intent to the glass. It can be anything that comes to mind, but since we are talking about writer’s block, we’re going to whisper for a source of inspiration. After that, we will drink the water halfway and set aside the other half. We will drink the other half the moment we wake up and rush to a computer or a paper and write for an hour or so. There shouldn’t be any distractions so the flow of water will not be interrupted. So why does this technique work? Probably because of some placebo effect. We are convincing ourselves that we can write just by drinking the water. With the right amount of convincing, we probably can.

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