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Achieving The Best Out Of Career Counseling

You will need professional advice at some point in your career. If you are choosing a career for the first time or maybe looking to change our present career, you may be needing help with searching for a job. Career counseling can help you with these aspects and even other career-related dilemmas. We are here to help you understand the best way of achieving the best out of career counseling.

[su_quote class=”cust-pagination”]“Chase career relationships, not job postings.” 
― John Tarnoff [/su_quote]

Choosing The Appropriate Career Counselor 


Once you conclude that you need career counseling, the first thing should be to find a professional who can provide the services. People who work in this profession all claim to be experts. Therefore, you must ensure that the person you choose has received training in career development. He or she can be a career counselor, a career development facilitator, or just a career coach.

Do not try to obtain help from an employment agency or a placement counselor because they are unlikely to have your best interests at heart. Their job is to find people to occupy open positions and not to help you to find a successful career.

Unique Vision/Shutterstock

Make Your Expectations Known To the Career Counselor

During your first meeting with the career counselor, he or she will ask you why you have requested the meeting. Explain the reasons for scheduling the appointment and do so thoroughly. Are you looking for help in finding a job? Do you need assistance in organizing your job search and preparing for interviews? Are you considering a career change?  If you are unclear about your expectations, the career counselor will be unable to help you. You should be prepared with every question you have in your mind about your career if you intend to obtain the best out of career counseling.

Punctuality Helps When Talking to Career Counselor 

To achieve the best out of career counseling, you must also be punctual for your appointment. When you arrive on time for the scheduled appointment, you get to utilize the entire session allocated for you. Career counselors are extremely busy and will not be able to continue your meeting once the scheduled comes to an end because they wouldn’t want to disappoint other clients.

Career Counselors Will Not Advise On The Career Best Suited for You

The best career counselor will not tell you which career is best suited for you. In fact, you should be wary of the people who may be doing so. He or she should help you figure out the best career without any influence.

Honesty Is the Best Policy

Constantin Stanciu/Shutterstock

If you are sincere and honest with your advisor, you will get help. Do not hold back on information as doing so will impact your ability to reach your objectives. The information you provide to the career counselor must also consider any health issues that may be hindering you from rushing to find a new career.A good career counselor would be willing to work with you according to the pace you set.

Follow the Advice You Get

If you have hired a career counselor, there is no reason why you should not follow his or her advice. You certainly don’t have to do everything they say, but not following the primary advice would mean you are wasting your time and money. If you believe that you are getting the wrong piece of advice, consider changing the career counseling professional.

[su_quote class=”cust-pagination”]“Mentors provide professional networks, outlets for frustration, college and career counseling, general life advice, and most importantly, an extra voice telling a student they are smart enough and capable enough to cross the stage at graduation and land their first paycheck from a career pathway job.” — Gerald Chertavian [/su_quote]

Achieving the best out of career counseling will take some effort on your part, without which you are unlikely to make much headway.

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