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Learn How to Start the New Year Right

Most of us see New Year as a chance to have a fresh start in life. We look forward to reinventing ourselves as soon as the clock strikes midnight. Drafting plans, goals, and dreams is what we usually do, and we write it down to remind us of what we want to be in life. But just like everything else, it’s always easier said than done.

We don’t get to play Gods in our life and direct it the way we want it to be. Whether we like it or not, there will always be some challenges that will test our character. Problems are always fixable – as long as we set our mind that these are only roadblocks that we can get rid of. A quick detour is sometimes necessary so we can reach the finish line. Want to have a better year? Read the following tips to know how.

Reevaluate the past year

As what they say, history repeats itself, that is why it’s important to look back so we can move forward. Make a list of the highlight of the year. Start by listing down the following:

  • What went wrong this year
  • What went right
  • What are the goals that were achieved
  • How about the goals that were not realized
  • The happiest moment of the year and also the saddest
  • The improvements of the relationships we have with other people

This is only a guide on how the list should look like. We can, of course, add and remove aspects on this list as long as it pleases us.

Finish things

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Finish some tasks that are doable with just a short amount of time

If a list exists somewhere that holds the things we want to accomplish for this year, then we should look back to it. Take out the things that look doable with the small amount of time like doing the laundry, and do it. It’s better to start the year fresh and free from laundry bags. It also feels good knowing that we’ve ticked and done most of the things on our list. It gives us confidence and it boosts our self-esteem when we know we’ve accomplished the yearly goal.

Set new goals

Now that we’ve already ticked off some of our goals, it’s time to make new ones. This includes personal goals, career, relationship, and financial aspect. We have to create a challenging atmosphere to outdo our 2017 selves. It’s also important to know that there is nothing wrong with being ambitious. Dreams are good and pushing ourselves to accomplish is the only way to go.

Make short-term goals

Meditate and relax before welcoming the new year

As much as we want to soar high above the clouds, it’s also important to keep our feet on the ground. When drafting the 2018 goals, we have to add in goals that can be accomplished within the year. It will only lead to frustration if we only write goals that will take years before we can achieve it. Such goals are being financially stable and getting married. But if we put in small stuff like not reaching our monthly credit limit, we will feel happier and more accomplished.

Change something

What better way to feel the New Year by having a new look? We can change our wardrobe color scheme, change the hair, and maybe try some makeup. One good idea is also to get new underwear and a pair of socks. It doesn’t have to be monumental changes as long as we have something new as soon as we welcome 2018.

The clock will not restart

The most important concept that we should all bring with us when New Year comes is that the clock will not restart, it’ll just continue its course. It’s not going to magically make every pain and struggles of 2017 disappear. Time is just an abstract concept- it has no power if we won’t give it one. So there really is no reason to get frustrated when we find ourselves still mourning for the painful things that happened to us in the past year. But we have to try harder to make this year our year, to put ourselves as a priority and not just simply exist.

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