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Borderline Personality Disorder, Do You Have It?

Do you find it hard to keep a stable relationship? Do you feel intense emotions that last for a few hours to few days? If so, you may be having Borderline Personality Disorder.

If you have borderline personality disorder, your attitude, beliefs, and behaviors affect your life. Your moods fluctuate within a short period—you may be happy one moment and the next one, you are breathing fire for no apparent reason. 

[su_quote class=”cust-pagination”] “People with BPD are like people with third degree burns over 90% of their bodies. Lacking emotional skin, they feel agony at the slightest touch or movement.” ― Marsha M. Linehan [/su_quote]

Why use the term ‘borderline’?

El Nariz/Shutterstock

The term borderline originated from the fact that doctors used to think that people with the disorder were on the borderline between psychosis and neurotic mental health problems. It is hard to understand BPD and what it means. As such, people prefer the term emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD). 

What are the symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder?

People who have BPD have difficulties in keeping stable relationships. They constantly worry about people abandoning them and would do anything to prevent them from happening.

Patients also have intense feelings and quickly changing moods that last for a few hours or days. They also feel empty and lonely. BPD patients may not have a sense of who you are, but that changes depending on the people around them. Suicidal thoughts are also common. 



If you are diagnosed with the disorder, it does not mean that you have a bad personality. It means that you have difficulty in managing your feelings, which limits the way you want to live your life.

Diagnosis of BPD is made by a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist. It is difficult to diagnose a child with BPD because the personality of the child is still unclear. Clear diagnosis begins among teenagers. 

Jan H Andersen/Shutterstock


More women are diagnosed with BPD than men, but the disorder can affect anyone. Although the cause of BPD is not clear, some risk factors are linked to it.  

People who experience trauma in their childhood are at a higher risk of developing the disorder. The childhood experiences could be the loss of a parent, physical or intimate abuse, or having an unstable family life such as having an alcoholic parent. Prolonged stress is also a risk factor. Furthermore, borderline personality disorder is hereditary. There is a high chance of developing it if one family member has this disorder.

COPING With Borderline Personality Disorder

Coping with the disorder can be a struggle but not impossible. 

Start by handling your emotions one at a time. You should express your depression or loneliness by talking to a trusted person. A problem shared is half solved. Speaking out acts as an outlet to avoid an explosion. Therefore, find a confidant to talk to. 


Know when you need help because you know yourself better than anybody else. When symptoms persist, consult a professional. You cal even find support online.  


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