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Experts Reveal Type 1 Diabetes Are At Risk of This SCARY Health Condition

According to health experts, Type 1 Diabetes patients are at risks of breaking their bones if their blood sugar levels spike higher than the normal range. Let us find out the link between the two and how we can prevent having fractured bones.

The Study

The researchers conducted a study on more than 47,000 patients with Diabetes where 3,329 of them have Type 1 case. Meanwhile, the rest of the participants had type 2 diabetes due to an unhealthy lifestyle like obesity and chronic inflammation.

During the study’s duration, the researchers noticed around 627 patients with type 1 diabetes as well as an astounding 8,859 type 2 participants experienced bone damage. The research also yields 39% risks of fracture for type 1 patients especially when their blood sugars are abnormally high compared to when it’s low. Meanwhile, moderate blood sugar levels didn’t yield a significant impact on patients.

Stricter Glycemic Control

According to Dr. Francesc Formiga, the study shows. Type 1 Diabetes patients must take extra care to control their glycemic index if they want to prevent not only in suffering from the disease’s complications but also to avoid developing bone fractures. Meanwhile, the scientists noticed the blood sugar doesn’t directly influence bone damages for type 2 Diabetes.

Pereslavtseva Katerina/Shutterstock
The medical experts reiterate the need to have a healthy lifestyle to minimize its risk of acquiring chronic illnesses and fractures.

Dr. Formiga warns diabetic patients to implement a stricter diet regimen to keep their blood sugars in check at all times. He recommends consulting with your attending physician to monitor your health and modify your treatment (if needed) to reduce risk or fracture.

The History

Past studies have linked blood sugar with increased bone damage. However, these researches couldn’t determine how exactly blood sugar levels contributed to the risk. Renowned scientists all over the world like Dr. Christian Meier of Switzerland hypothesize the blood sugar may impair your cognitive function as well as damaging your nerves (known as neuropathy).

Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock

In turn, diabetes dulls your sensation in feet and joints. Not only that,  but it also affects your eye’s vision (a common diabetes symptom), which makes it difficult for you to avoid obstacles to prevent from falling, making them more prone to fractures and falls.

The current research reveals 29% of type 1 diabetes patients who suffer from retinopathy experienced falls throughout the study. The researchers also stated type 1 patients are also at risk of acquiring kidney failure.

The Limitation

Despite the study’s goals to prove the adverse effects of blood sugar to bone damages, the medical experts not related to the study claim further research must be conducted to verify and support its results further. According to Dr. James Richardon at Michigan Medicine, the study didn’t state whether the patients also suffer from diabetic neuropathy.

If they are, then it would explain the high number of incidents leading to fractures.

If not, then further studies must be conducted to determine how exactly blood sugar levels deteriorate your nervous system which leads to neuropathy. Richardson adds fall risk is more prone to people who failed to respond and develop counter-mechanism against postural perturbation (like ankle turn, slipping, or tripping) in the first 400 milliseconds.

Be Active

To minimize your risk of complications, the health experts recommend you keep being active in addition to eating healthy foods. Physical activities like running, walking, swimming, etc. help keep your blood sugar levels at bay – to make your medical condition more bearable. Furthermore, exercising helps boost your mood and eliminate stressors like anxiety and depression.

Get Regular Checkups

Since you know your condition is for a lifetime, you need to go on a regular checkup not only to your primary physician but also to your ophthalmologist and Orthopaedist to check your vision, your bones, joints, and feet to prevent neuropathy and visual impairment.

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