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6 Proven Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are extremely important, and they can’t be made within our body, so we must get them inside through food we eat. Foods that contain Omega 3 fatty acids are fish, vegetable oils, flax seeds, walnuts and leafy vegetables.

To achieve good health and get all the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids, it is highly important to eat fish at least one or two times per week. This is especially important for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Of course, children should also have a certain amount of Omega 3 intake, because they are very important for the whole body and brain functioning.

Here are some of the proven benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids.

They fight depression and anxiety

Thomas Andre Fure/Shutterstock

These are the common things these days, caused by stress in our everyday lives. Depression in one of the most common mental disorders today, with symptoms as sadness, loss of interest in life, and lethargy. Anxiety, on the other hand, is a constant worry about things around us. Studies recently found that people who take Omega 3 fatty acids regularly do not suffer from depression or anxiety. Furthermore, people who were suffering from depression or anxiety got better after starting their Omega 3 intake. Among three types of Omega 3 are ALA, EPA, and DHA, which seem to be the best at fighting depression. One study found EPA to have the same effectiveness as Prozac, a popular antidepressant drug.

[su_quote class=”cust-pagination”]“Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that we must get from our diets because our bodies cannot make them; they are crucial for early brain development, and there is much evidence that they promote cardiovascular health and cognitive function.”Joel Fuhrman[/su_quote]


They improve eyesight

DHA is a major component of the retina of our eyes. If we don’t get enough of DHA, we can get vision and eye health problems. Enough Omega 3 intake is linked to a reduced risk of macular degeneration, which is one of the world’s most leading causes of blindness and permanent eye damage.

They enhance brain health in early life and during pregnancy

Omega 3s are essential for brain development in infants. As mentioned, DHA is a structural component of the brain. Getting enough of Omega 3s during pregnancy is linked with many benefits for the child, such as:

  • Higher intelligence,
  • Better social skills and communication,
  • Less behavioral problems,
  • Decreased risk of developmental delay,
  • Decreased risk of autism, ADHD, and cerebral paralysis.

New Africa/Shutterstock

They reduce the risk factors for heart diseases

Strokes and heart attacks are the world’s leading causes of death. It was proven that communities who ate fish had very low rates of such diseases. Later, this was accredited to Omega 3 consumption. Today, it is well-known that Omega 3s have numerous benefits for the health of our heart. Those benefits are:

  • Blood pressure: Omega 3 fatty acids can reduce high blood pressure.
  • Triglycerides: Omega 3s can also cause a major reduction in triglycerides, by about 15-30%.
  • HDL-cholesterol: they can also raise the “good” cholesterol level.
  • Plaque: Omega 3s keep arteries clean and free from damage, so they further prevent the plaque that can harden them.
  • Blood Clots: Omega 3s prevent blood platelets from clumping together. This helps against the formation of harmful blood clots.
  • Inflammation: Omega 3s also reduce the production of some substances that are released throughout the inflammatory response.

Still, we must mention that despite all these effects on heart’s health, there aren’t convincing evidence that Omega 3 supplements help against strokes. Many studies didn’t find benefits at all.

They can reduce ADHD symptoms in children

Suzanne Tucker/Shutterstock

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
is characterized by hyperactivity, lack of attention, and impulsivity. Multiple studies have found that children who suffer from ADHD have lower blood levels of Omega 3s compared to their healthy peers. Furthermore, studies showed that Omega 3 supplements might actually improve ADHD symptoms in children.

Omega 3s help in the ability to complete tasks and improve the lack of attention. They also decrease impulsiveness, restlessness, hyperactivity and aggression. Fish oil supplementation is found to be one of the most promising treatments for the children with ADHD.

They can reduce the symptoms of metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome isn’t an illness, but rather a collection of several conditions and symptoms. First, it includes obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high triglycerides and low HDL levels. This syndrome increases the risk of many other diseases, like heart diseases or diabetes. Omega 3s help by reducing insulin resistance and possible inflammation, and also improve heart disease risk factors.

Omega 3 fatty acids are amazingly important for good health. The best way to consume it is through some foods like fatty fish at least once a week. However, you can intake them through other foods, or at least take an Omega 3 supplement.

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