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Do You Have an Unhealthy Obsession with Healthy Eating? Here Are the Signs to Watch Out For

Eating healthy foods can develop into major improvements in the health and well-being of a person. However, it has been noticed that healthy eating can become an obsession and develop into an eating disorder which is identified as Orthorexia. This disorder can have severe consequences for the individual and this article is trying to explain everything you should be knowing about Orthorexia.

What Is The Disorder Which Is Known As Orthorexia?


People suffering from Orthorexia or Orthorexia Nervosa as it is also known are dealing with an eating disorder which makes them have an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating. Unlike disorders of other types of anorexia and bulimia people with Orthorexia are not indulgent in having large quantities of food but are only obsessed with the quality. These people have an extreme obsession with the purity of the food they are having along with being obsessed the benefits of having healthy food. People with Orthorexia are rarely concerned about losing weight which is usually the case with people who are suffering from anorexia or bulimia.

Presently Orthorexia has gained recognition from the medical fraternity although it has not been defined as an eating disorder. People with this condition are only obsessed with healthy eating for optimal nutrition.

The Causes Of Orthorexia

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People usually begin a diet with the intention of improving their health but in many cases, the focus can change to achieve extreme proportions. Research conducted on Orthorexia has divulged little information but it is believed that obsessive-compulsive habits and eating disorders regardless of whether they are current or former are known to be risk factors.

People who have a tendency towards high anxiety, a need for control and perfectionism are also considered as risk factors for Orthorexia. A number of individuals are focusing on health for the sake of their careers and these people could also be at a heightened risk of developing Orthorexia. Some of the frequent examples of such individuals include healthcare workers, ballet dancers, athletes, symphony orchestra musicians and opera singers. The risks are also dependent on age, gender, the level of education and the social economic status but it has been confirmed that more research needs to be conducted before any conclusions can be drawn.

How Is Common The Disorder Orthorexia?

Orthorexia can be difficult to differentiate between healthy eating and therefore it is difficult to determine how common Orthorexia really is. Studies conducted have revealed that people who are affected would be in the region of 6% to 90%. The diagnostic criteria for Orthorexia have not been universally agreed upon and this is the reason why it has become difficult to understand how common this condition is. The criteria presently being adopted does not assess whether Orthorexia negatively impacts the social, physical and the mental health of the individual which is known to be a crucial part of Orthorexia.

The obsession for healthy eating only develops into Orthorexia when it turns into a problem that negatively affects the everyday life of the individual and causes extreme weight loss or a refusal to eat in public places or with friends. When the negative effects of Orthorexia are taken into account the numbers of people affected by this condition dropped to less than 1% which is quite common with the rates of people suffering from other eating disorders.

How to Overcome Orthorexia?

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Orthorexia can result in severe consequences just as those from eating disorders of other types. If the condition is left unchecked it can result in irreversible damage to the health. Identifying the presence of Orthorexia is the initial step which must be taken to overcome this disorder. This can be a challenging task because people with this condition often fail to recognize any of the negative side effects it could be having on their health, well-being or social function. Once the problem has been identified help should be sought from a team of professionals which includes doctors, psychologists, and dietitians. The treatments that are used would include response prevention and exposure, behavior modification, cognitive restructuring and different types of relaxation training.

Despite the treatments that are being recommended their effectiveness for dealing with Orthorexia is yet to be scientifically confirmed.

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